OpenAPI Specification for 🐰


In addition to the prebuilt libraries, the Bunny SDK also provides an OpenAPI Specification for all Bunny APIs.

The OpenAPI Specification is a fallback when:

  • The limitations of the Bunny SDK are not a good trade-off for your project
  • Your programming language of choice is not yet supported

Using the OpenAPI Specification allows you to generate code and types in your programming language of choice. In addition, generating your own OpenAPI Client may provide additional support, greater flexibility, and better ergonomics than the standard libraries.

The goal of the standard libraries is to support as many programming languages as possible with as much consistency as possible. That means that there may be a specialized library in your programming language of choice that may be better suited for your project.

Nonetheless, the Bunny SDK provides a great starting point for using the Bunny API in your project. While the OpenAPI Specification is given as an escape hatch, it is not supported beyond that.


Please see the GitHub repository or download the OpenAPI Specification for your chosen Bunny API: